Oh my! I know I have been gone for farrrrrrr too long! I hope you have missed me just as much as I have missed you! I think about you everyday! ^.^ Well I have been freelance blogging, writing, and editing for LiberalAmerica.org (yay), working, going to school, maintaining my family, and {drumroll please} PLANNING MY WEDDING!!! AHHHH! Woo! So yea, I've been reading other people's blogs and neglecting my own! (shame!). I promise that I shall return very, very soon and I feel the need to do a wedding-post (because they're everywhere and I want one too!) But, before I grace your eyes with what will be what I hope a beautiful wedding, I will be back with a seriously hard-hitting post about discrimination in the workplace... not based on gender.. or race... oooo what could it be! I shall return, but until then: Keep being you and love that!