all of my Blah Blah Blah that can no longer be contained in my mind and is forcing its way out.
Sunday, February 24, 2013
Best Thing E.V.E.R
Saturday, February 23, 2013
People today...
I took a deep breath and asked the woman to continue. She explained to me that "good, normal" men do not walk around in women's clothing, especially on TV and good parents do not allow their children to watch such nonsense. It's bad enough that I, myself, would buy into such disgusting behavior, but to allow my child to do so as well at such a young age, is just dangerous. As politely as I could, I went in on this older woman. I explained to her that unfortunately, I do not know any "good, normal" men, and neither would I want to. I do not want to expose my daughter to "good, normal" men either. I am raising my children not to be like people such as her, I teach my children that there is nothing wrong with just being you. I teach my children not to judge other people for who they are. I also remind my children that it wasn't so long ago that our ancestors were discriminated against as well for something they could not control, and still happens to this day. I asked her why she thought that men who did drag were disgusting? She of course told me it wasn't Christian-like. I simply looked at her and sighed. I asked her about the part of the Bible where it says to love everyone as Jesus has loved us? I asked her if she had done some things in her life that weren't exactly "Christian-like", I asked her how horrible would it be if everyone were to go through life ganging up on people only because of what they see, never to actually know people as people but as broad unjustified generalizations... I told her it has happened before, happens today in fact, every single day. I asked her what if people were to judge her without ever knowing her. She stared at me blankly through all of my questions and was still just staring at me, trying to find the words when the guy came up to me and told me that they were ready.
I got up and the woman watched me as I stood up, still contemplating what she should say, and I turned to her, told her my name and that it was nice to talk to her. I left her with: I didn't assume that you were racist because you were white. You shouldn't assume that men who dress up as women are anything less than people who deserve common courtesy just like you and everybody else. Nobody wants to be written off because of who we are, just think about that, please. Have a great day.
People ask me if I am obsessed with gay people or drag queens. I wouldn't call it obsessed, I just enjoy and admire people who are true to themselves, it's just a bonus if they're fabulous! :D I am an admirer of people who are different, people who are fun, (this list can go on and on), and I live for the opportunity to stand up for what's right and have an intelligent conversation.
Tuesday, February 12, 2013
It's For Your Benefit, Really.....
Monday, February 11, 2013
Help a Sista Out! :D
Sunday, February 10, 2013
Tipping is not just a city in China...
Friday, February 8, 2013
I am me and me is not perfect
I am a certified people watcher, absolutely love to just watch people as they truly blow my mind for one reason or another. Admitting that I am a people watcher, I must also admit that I am a certified card carrying member of the s#!+ talkers platinum society. I realize that in my quest to be enlightened and enlighten others (especially females), that this behavior is contradictory. I am constantly conflicted with trying to be above the norm and being my normal jokey self.
Do not mistake my being not only a member, but also the president of the s#!+ talkers platinum society as me being a bully in any way shape or form. My s#!+ talking stems from observing people in their everyday ridiculousness. I don't go out of my way to belittle or put people down, I simply comment on what is. I don't walk up to random strangers and start tearing them apart, my observations are usually in my head or said to the person/people I'm with or talking to at the time.
While I do point out the ridiculousness that is many people walking around looking foolish, I also point out those who are the exact opposite as well as point out those exceptions to their face, as anyone who is on point should definitely be told they are doing a good job. Some people may say this is talking behind people's backs.... I do not see it as this. First off how can I talk behind someone's back who I do not know? Second off if I know you and you fall into the category of ridiculousness, then I will most definitely make you aware of my opinion. On the other hand, I would expect my friends to do the same, you can't call yourself a friend if you let me walk around looking crazy, sometimes we need an extra set of eyes to see what we don't or can't.
I decided to write about this topic because I saw a meme that said something to the affect of- if you know someone who is always talking about other people to you, then they're probably talking to other people about you. The first thing I think is I'm truly stick of all these pseudo intellectual semi intellectual generalized classifications of every given situation. The second thing I think is... stfu. Lol...
I've always said that it's human nature to make opinions of people at first glance, what's important is if you let those opinions influence your actual opinion of that person once and if you meet them.... what do you think?
Hope you enjoy the graphic I made on my new note 2 ^.^