I absolutely adore any feel good video, song, poem, quote...anything that gives hope, and promotes positiveness! I love to see anyone rise above adversity and refuse to let life take it's toll on them. Inspiration can come from anywhere and most people need it when they don't even realize it. I could listen to people's stories all day, good and bad, but hearing the good is always a beautiful thing, hearing the good after knowing about the bad is even more heart warming. :) This video was so amazing, that I shed a tear, well a few tears, no surprise there, lol. We all have seen a saying somewhere at some time telling us not get bogged down, not to be discouraged.....but how many of us let those messages actually sink in so that we can give ourselves a break sometimes? Sometimes the best way to get inspired, is to first allow yourself to be inspired, realize that stopping and taking a breath every now and then allows our brains to settle and be more open to new ideas and thoughts. Take a moment for yourself today, tonight, this morning, whenever and just breathe... and start over.
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