all of my Blah Blah Blah that can no longer be contained in my mind and is forcing its way out.
Sunday, December 30, 2012
Please do not misunderstand that I can appreciate that whatever people do in the privacy of their own homes within their own lives is their business and it is not my right to judge anyone regarding their actions, as I am far from perfect myself. But it is quite a different story when one chooses to display their behaviors on national TV, then it is open play, all bets are off. How can we get upset with rappers and music videos when women themselves are parading themselves around in this fashion? How do we begin to teach our daughters about class, being a real woman, respect, the list goes on and on. It is especially damning when it is the ultimate low, the minstrel show to end all minstrel shows... a man with little to no success in life whatsoever, creating almost a dozen children with different women, and then there are the actual "baby mamas" who keep indulging these men by continuing to pro create with them?
What is going on in the black community? Why is this ok with people? It is truly disgusting and stomach wrenching to know that this is being publicized. I am shocked that this is on Oxygen and not BET, MTV, or VH1, considering those are the biggest contributors to the modern minstrel show. What's funny is that while reading this story at: Newsone, there is a slideshow on the page and in the last box, there is a graphic of a fight starting to escalate on a couch, with the caption: 10 Best Ratchet Reality TV Moments of 2012. I suppose the site gives some responsible information while never neglecting what will really capture most of our society's attention. Puppet masters like Oxygen, BET, etc, are the reason why I will be starting a foundation, we cannot afford to lose our young women to the entertainment industry.
The chains must be broken and we must make a conscience decision that no matter how horribly we are represented by the media, we will overcome them and prove that we are above the labeling of Hollywood. We cannot allow multi-million dollar companies to look down on our youth and make decisions for them, under the assumption that they are too stupid to understand how they are being manipulated. It has begun though, as the Newsone site shows, petitions have been formed regarding this isolated grossness (how sad that it has to come to that), but there is still so much work to be done. As disgusting as this whole one situation is, I refuse to let it damper my spirits or doubt what I know to be true, which is that our youth are not lost, they are more capable than what they are given credit for. We have to be more diligent as a whole and I can't wait to begin, so do your worst Hollydud...we will win in the end.
Saturday, December 29, 2012
My what an unusual name you have...
I have seen a few articles regarding Spike Lee's reaction to this movie, that he hasn't seen. Spike Lee has made it very clear that he does not appreciate what Quentin Tarantino has done with this movie, or any of his previous movies regarding the "n" bomb. Spike Lee has also criticized Tyler Perry and his portrayal of black people within his movies. I have an issue with Spike Lee's objections for a few reasons. One reason I have an issue with his negativeness is because of just that, the negativity.... for what? If one was so inclined to be such a voice regarding the black community, then I would think that one would be more supportive in regards to those who are contributing to the black community in different ways. Quentin Tarantino has given many black actors and actresses roles, which I have heard is not the easiest thing to acquire in Hollywood. I am also inclined to believe had this movie been made by anyone else, it might not have gathered the attention that it has, therefore creating a more broader audience.
Tyler Perry has created jobs for black actors as well as created movies and plays that a lot of black people can identify with in one way or another and what's wrong with that? I cannot for the life of me understand why Spike Lee would go so far as to try to tear down what someone else is creating instead of trying to build them up. Why create division in such a small community like that of sucessful black figures in Hollywood? Don't get me wrong, when it comes to Tyler Perry's network shows, you probably won't catch me rushing home to catch it on TV, neither am I devoted follower of Quentin Tarantino's work, but I can appreciate what they are doing nonetheless.
With so much going on within the black community, why get all riled up about a movie?! There are so many more important issues that deserve attention. Understanding and encouragement go much further than sour feelings and angry words. With all of that being said, I hope that when I see the movie, my feelings aren't contradicted.....
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
Just click on the image below!!! Talk with you soon! ^.^
Tuesday, December 25, 2012
Tis the SEASON!
Above the click buttons is a toolbar with different causes that you can Click-to-help. ^.^
To Help with Breast Cancer
To Help with Animals
To Help with Hunger
A Most Merryful Christmas!
Mama's Christmas Miracle
all about a little girl mama used to know, how I remember every word.
Seems like a lifetime ago, though I remember it so well,
it was a Christmas eve I'll never forget as far as I can tell.
We were sitting at the kitchen table, it was only my mother and me,
I was dreaming of Christmas morning and all the presents under the tree.
Dad wasn't doing that well and money was scarce that year,
Mama found a way of telling me without me shedding one tear.
She told me a story of a little girl and a Christmas long ago,
who came from far away, a place where it rarely snowed.
Santa was just a dream to her, but she believed so much inside,
that Christmas was going to be special, so she knelt by her bed and she cried.
"Lord let Santa remember me if not just this one time, I promise I won't ask for much, maybe a dolly I can call all mine."
She closed her prayer and thanked the Lord for all that she received,
she knew that Santa would really come if only she believed.
She wrote a letter to Santa unfamiliar to most girls and boys,
Though her list was long and full, on it there were no toys.
Only things we take for granted, like new shoes or underpants,
hair bows for her sisters and gloves to warm her brother's hands.
At the bottom of her list she asked if it not be to much, for a brand new baby doll she could hold and love and touch.
Then Christmas morning came and she looked beneath her tree,
Not a present to be found as far as she could see.
She didn't give up hope as she heard a knocking sound,
When she opened up her door a great big box she found.
She called out to her mother and dad, brothers and sisters too,
She said "my prayers were answered, there's something in here for all of you."
Her daddy got brand new boots, her mother new underpants, her sisters got beautiful hair bows, her brothers warm gloves for their hands.
Buried deep beneath the box was a brand new baby doll and a note that said Merry Christmas I love you one and all.
I'll never forget that story because much to my surprise,
I saw the true meaning of Christmas shining in my mother's eyes.
For those of you who are wondering, as if you didn't know,
The little girl in Mama's story was my mother long ago.
Source: Mama's Christmas Miracle, Christmas Poem
Monday, December 24, 2012
Maybe it is ME...and NOT you?! (the horror)
The pedestrian finally looked up, before walking into the street... YET the dinkus in front of me, was not going... Unfortunately my good nature had worn out it's welcome. I honked at Albert Einstein to go, but he turned out to be one of those people who feels that someone honking at them is a challenge, I mean how dare someone feel the need to alert them that they are being a complete jackass and holding up traffic! So in return for my wakeup call, Mr. Einstein started to go, then thought better of it, and stopped.....because stopping is the ultimate revenge. Well, in my newfound state of driving unfrazzedly, I checked my mirrors to ensure that no one was around me to get hit, and promptly went around him, of course cursing him out the entire time. Once I got in front of Einstein, I of course slowed down as much as I could stand until we got to the turn.
Now I know that if I had truly evolved into a new patient person, I would have just waited, had the light turn red, sit through the red light, and continue on with my journey. But I am not discouraged, I know that I can eventually be a much more patient driver if I just continually work at it. I have to wonder though...wouldn't it just be easier if people weren't so ridiculous and dumb when it comes to driving? I have from time to time pondered that it could be me, having rage issues....but then again, that would mean it was me....yea right!
Saturday, December 22, 2012
We did it!!
Officially at 1000 views! Thank you all so much! This is more exciting to me than you'll know! Awesome! Here's to 1000 more!!! ^.^
Incredible Eddie Murphy
What I took away from 2 0 1 2 (part II)
I have seen that through the shallowness and inconsideration, that common decency and plain niceness are still around and appreciated. I had to make a conscience decision to gravitate towards more positive outlets, to make more of an effort to see beauty and displaying beauty myself. Every year is another reminder that we've made it, when so many other people were not so fortunate. With each passing day goes another opportunity to make things better in some way.
2012 had it's ups and downs as does any year, some things were the worst some have ever seen and some were the greatest. Either way, the past year contained many lessons to learn or ignore, the question is did we choose which lessons go into the right categories, wisely?
Thursday, December 20, 2012
What I took away from 2 0 1 2 (part I)
This year marks my 15+ years enduring very frequent migraines. While I've suffered from them for many years, I have not always been in a position to do something about them. Dealing with these migraines has taught me that the road to recovery is not easy. The journey will be tough, long, and painful, but the only thing I can do is keep going, keep trying to find a solution and help others along the way. This past year showed me that America has turned into a very shallow and empty place. In a society where ass is more appreciated than class, where ignorance and hate outweigh common sense and compassion, the realization is that the American Dream is no longer to educate yourself and become successful through hard work and dedication, but to get rich as fast as possible and hopefully do it by stepping on as many people as you can preferably with an audience.
Little girls don't want to be the first woman president, they want to be the first woman in front of the camera for the next hottest video/reality show/fight video. Little boys no longer want to be educated doctors, they want to be the next rap star/multi-million dollar athlete/thug. 2012 has shown me that it's the "In" thing to try to emulate the woman on the cover of the grocery store magazine, even if it will cause debt, as long as it means keeping up with the Jones'/celebrities/faux celebrities. 2012 has shown me that racism is very much alive, real, and with the help of social media...very in everyone's face. When an unarmed teenager is killed for no reason other than being in the wrong place in the wrong time, compassion, justice, and accountability take a backseat to racial profiling, assumptions, and a division amongst the people. I have seen how an election can stir up so many intense emotions and how so many people can have so many different viewpoints regarding the same topics.
2012 showed me that I am getting older and as a result people around me are getting older, which means more and more people I know will be leaving this earth. 2012 showed me how those far away from me will never be far from my heart. I lost women I've known my entire life, both personally and mentally. I lost a Godmother, an auntie, and an idol, and they hurt me to the core. Losing my family was very hard for me and not something that I could ever get used to. 2012 showed that even during the holidays, the world is still revolving and people are still going to attempt drastic measures to deal with their issues and when that happens innocent people are affected. 2012 showed me that gun laws need to be tightened as well as mental health being addressed.
2012 showed me that with all the bad, there is still a lot of good. With all the social media that has the ability to create hostile environments, there are social media outlets that do more good than bad. Pinterest became a very addicting outlet for me. I like the idea of strangers sharing and helping one another without ever having to know anything about the person they're helping. When a bus driver is harrassed for no good reason, a community can come together in her defense.
Part I...hey it was a long year!
Say Whaaa!!!! ^.^
Sunday, December 16, 2012
part II
Friday, December 14, 2012
We have to start telling our children about things of this caliber at younger and younger ages. I had to tell my 6 year old daughter about this incident and I could tell by her face that she was reacting to my demeanor more than my words. She understood what I said, but not the degree of it. When I asked her if she had any questions, she had a doozy: Why did the man kill those 20 kids? I had to dig deep and really think about this in a way that she would understand. I explained to her that the man was dealing with certain issues and did not know how to express himself in a healthy way. I explained to her that the best way to deal with our issues and situations is to talk about them and to make sure that it does not affect those around us negatively. I did the best I could to try to explain the situation as best I could while applying it to real life. This is not the parental ups and downs that most parents expect to encounter. The hardest part about this is knowing that this could happen at anytime, to anyone we love.....
Thursday, December 13, 2012
My first reaction was anger and then more anger because her attitude kept up all day. I even got so upset about it at one point that I had decided to just leave her be and leave whatever relationship we had, in the past. I have gotten over this irrational thinking and decided that is not the path I want to take, that is a path I reserve for people that I don't know. Normally when someone above the rank of "acquaintance" does something stupid, annoying, or aggravating, I call them on it. But the thing about being an upfront person is knowing WHEN to be upfront. Knowing that she was out of character today, I will leave our come to Jesus meeting for tomorrow when both of our emotions are a bit more stable. I look forward to having this discussion with her, because I plan on giving her the rundown of her actions today. Luckily she is a very receptive person and I know that she will take what I am saying as just me talking to her and not me trying to talk down to her.
We've all had interactions with people like this at one point in our past... isn't it annoying when you know someone is acting out of character and they need a reality slap? Luckily she has a good friend like me to bring reality right back to her ;) Tomorrow's a new day!
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Beautiful! ♥
Too Cool!
Whether this is true or not, this is truly a super cool story! It's super cool because it just makes sense, it just makes sense because it's so simple. Even I can admit that I would probably just run to be the fastest, to WIN! That is our society's theme, most of the population is bred to think to win, win, win. Be the best, that's how you succeed and get ahead in life. If we were to all think like these children, then just think of how much could be accomplished.......
Monday, December 10, 2012
I know you are but what am I....
I have a constant conflict of attempting to be the woman I want to be and who I actually am, it is as if these two parts of me are in a perpetual tog of war, battling it out in the ultimate showdown. I have an attitude, an attitude that can be pretty brutal and cold hearted at times, but that is a part of me that I love and hate. I love the fact that I will not be pushed around or let others be pushed around, but at the same time, I wish that it didn't have to be the part that people focused on the most. Do you ever feel like people only concentrate on the part of your personality that doesn't put you in the best light? I've always kinda sorta wanted to have the super power to be able to read people's minds, to know what people were really thinking about me, because 99% of the time, we truly do not know. I've had a recent epiphany where I discovered that people do not see me the way I thought that they did. People are much more close-minded than I gave them credit for. I see now that people cannot wrap their brains around someone being motivated, skilled, knowledgeable, intelligent, and hard-working, while at the same time being silly, loud, opinionated, fun, and sarcastic. It apparently must be one or the other.
I suppose as an adult, I should have grasped this concept a long time ago, but I guess my "child-like mind" just thought that other people were as open minded as I was when it came to things like that. I'm not sure how I could be so naive about this one thing, maybe I was just being close minded myself, in a way.
Saturday, December 8, 2012
Take Care of Home FIRST
You call it talking.... I call it being hammered at...
It's very frustrating to be having a conversation with someone, have it turn into a debate and then realize (through listening) that you both are talking about 2 different things. I have seen people go on and on, back and forth, all the while not even realizing they have both drifted off into 2 different directions. One of my pet peeves is being cut off while I'm talking, and if you know me, then you know this, lol. If I am in the middle of talking, talking over me is just about the rudeness thing you can do to me, you might as well spit in my face and tell me I'm nothing. It's so easy to get upset and riled up about the smallest things, and I am definitely guilty of doing this, but we just have to realize that we have to check ourselves before we can decide to check someone else. Look at yourself and see what am I doing to help this conversation be more productive, maybe I should just stop talking and take a breath and calm down. When two people are screaming at each other, nothing is being accomplished, just drama being created.
Thursday, December 6, 2012
Just..... wow
Friday, November 30, 2012
Another Discovery!
Is the term so offensive, that people think that they can be racist, but to be called a racist is just too far?! I saw something that a very well known actor had said about racism, that the way for it to go away is to stop talking about it. I do not agree with that at all, when has ignoring something ever made anything better? Racism is already not very talked about and has it gone away? One of these days I would love to just sit and have a nice long discussion about so many different things going on with people from every race, gender, sexual preference, I would really love that, before I am able to do that, please take a look at an article where I read a very thought provoking essay about a white woman who had a very unique stance on racism, something I have never, in my life, heard articulated as thought provokingly as this woman did. It's a bit lengthy, but very intelligent and amazing to see someone so self aware:
When does the innocence and sweetness stop?
This was one of the sweetest things to happen to me in a long time that didn't involve my fiancee, kids, family, or friends. It makes my heart smile big just thinking about the innocence a child possesses to just say whatever they are feeling, never thinking about the consequences. Even though this isn't always the best thing, honesty is always an incredible and admirable character trait to possess. I thought it was just too precious that this little girl took a moment out of her people watching time to pass on a compliment. If everybody could take a minute out of their day to pass on a compliment to a stranger, just think about how many people could be uplifted daily! I will never forget that little girl, she will never know how sweet that was or how much it meant to me, and that just makes it even more memorable!
Thursday, November 29, 2012
Inspiration....available in all sizes, shapes, colors, you name it!
Monday, November 26, 2012
No really? You're serious?
I am almost at a loss for words about the discovery I have stumbled upon today. From the fb page of Marquis De Suave, came the eye opener of all time about some men in this world. Apparently there are men who think they are being discriminated against because they are men.... yes because they are men. When I say I looked through these fb pages' posts with my mouth wide opened in shock, I am not exaggerating! There were so many mind blowing topics and discussions that I'm finding it hard to list them, my mind was that blown, and still is.
The men on these pages are seriously under the impression that they are being mistreated in society, most of them white men. This revelation has me completely perplexed. I never knew that men had it so tough in life. Here I am in the dark, while all this neglect has been happening, from the discrimination in the workplace to the constant berating from the media. I mean, I never realized how rare it was to see a man in a position of power at a company, nor did I pay any attention to the constant missed job opportunities my male friends were passed over for to give to a woman who was less qualified. How could I not take seriously the general lack of respect for men in general, I mean you see it everywhere; on the streets, in the media, and even in politics.
One commentator even pointed out how chivalry was making male discrimination worse! How could I have possibly missed that? I mean it makes perfect sense, whenever men show respect towards women it totally leaves the door open for discrimination. I hope you all have learned as much as I did today, and know that together, we can stop this madness! I mean what is the world coming to when a man feels threatened by women standing up for themselves.... could be the end of civilization as we know it.............
Sunday, November 25, 2012
Snapped....I'd say so...
It sometimes makes me very nervous to think about how unpredictable people are, even people you have never met in your life, could possibly hold your fate in their hands...scary.
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
They are human beings, DUH!
Sunday, November 18, 2012
Classic without Class is just... embarrassing...
Things such as the display I witnessed earlier, sitting in traffic for over thirty minutes while people are acting just plain ignorant is too much for me to bear when I think about it. This, along with so many other things are a problem, a serious problem. Yet I see a traveling picture on Facebook of a beautiful black baby with a pacifier that looks like a gold grill, and THIS is what gets black people upset. Lol, it is maddening that with so much going on in this world, within the black community alone, that a pacifier is what people choose to focus on, because THAT is a huge issue.....a frickin p a c i f i e r.... But I am not one to bitch and moan without attempting to help, one of my favorite sayings is: If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem; because it's so true! My frustration can only be justified as long as I am willing to do my part in making things better. So excited to get this organization off the ground and running, because it is so overdue.
Well.... :/
So as we all know from a previous post, I love music and all kinds and for different reasons. Some music has lyrics that really touch my heart and others just have a really beat. Although I do listen to some rap, it's definitely not my favorite. Rap just boggles my mind because most of it is just foolishness with some sprinkled with a few deep thoughts. The worst part about rap is the portrayal of women negatively and the glorification of certain things that should never be glorified by anyone.
With regards to the dehumanizing of women, I personally cannot put blame solely on the rappers. We also have to accept part of the blame as consumers and listeners. We also have to put some of the blame on the women who help these messages become real by being in the videos and pandering to the rappers. At the end of the day, rappers, actors, and anyone in the public eye will do whatever they need to do in order to see dollar signs. It is up to us as a society to ensure that their negativity remain a show and we understand that as well as pass on that understanding to our children.
It's all a show and nobody should ever take them seriously. It's entertainment and will most likely never change, so we have to change our thinking. Instead of getting upset at the ridiculousness of the media, just simply take it with a grain of salt and realize it's not that serious, look at the people themselves who are in the midst of it. We can't take them seriously, it doesn't even seem as though they take themselves seriously or with an ounce of respect. It's a big circus and the clowns will do anything for attention.
*this post was brought to you by a very intelligent friend of a friend, thanks Jillian! ;) * I am always open to new post suggestions. :-D
Saturday, November 17, 2012
Common Sense, Oh Common Sense....Wherefore Art Thou?
Act I:
Calling into a customer service line for a phone company... the automated voice asks if the number you're calling from is the number associated with your account, you say yes. The automated voice then asks you to punch in the number associated with your account, so you punch it in. Then the rep who finally gets on the line asks you for your damn phone number associated with your account! Why do I have to tell yall three different times, if not more? Common sense people, get it together!
EBT paid for that?!
Assuming anything about anyone you just happen by for a couple of minutes, tells no one ANYTHING! Never assume, because we all know what that does.... it makes an ASS out of U and ME ;)
I will be the first to admit I have to constantly keep my phone charging because I am constantly on it. Not actually talking to people, but texting, blogging, researching online, fb and other things. But one thing I try not to do is text and drive. Another thing I do not do is talk on the phone therefore rendering me incapable of doing the speed limit! I do not understand how anyone can get so involved in a conversation that they are no longer able to properly use their legs. For the life of me I can't wrap my mind around it.
There is an ongoing epidemic that when someone has a phone to their ear, they are transported to another place where they are sitting still or to another universe where everything disappears but them and the phone. Why though?! We don't use our ears to accelerate, we use different parts of our body to drive, only need one hand, foot, and eyes. What kinda gamma rays or whatever, are being emitted from cellphones to cause a breakdown in the rest of people's bodies?
Lol, maybe it is just me, but if you are not able to get to point A to point B without your phone paralyzing you, then perhaps it can wait. As if it's not bad enough that we drive crazy without distractions, don't add to it, I beg of you! Pull over or just put it off until you reach your destination.
Thank you from the drivers who have places to get to.
I am a firecracker, I get the ball rolling. I am highly motivated and organized and love starting a project. The worst thing about starting a project can be one of many things, like time, money, research, getting people on board blah blah blah. I refuse to give up until I'm on the ground, knocked out, and bloody and someone's wrapping me up in a blanket telling me it's over and it's time to bounce back, and even then it's hard. I'm facing a huge hurdle right now with a current, not so current project that due to the holidays I cannot really get started and it is driving me bonkers! I have started the research and it starts to make me weary to think of all the obstacles I will be facing.
But I know that through perseverance and faith my want to help others will get this accomplished, even though it's going to take quite some time. Making a schedule and communicating with my partners in this should help this move along with everyone giving their all.
Isn't it frustrating as hell though to see others doing what you're ready to do? Sometimes that can be a deterrent, because we start to assume that they had help, they were given money, or even that they are just better. The key to that obstacle I think is turning it into a motivational point, seeing their strides and hearing their stories is sometimes the kick in the butt we need.
Friday, November 16, 2012
That's how we doin it?
So I was in the drive- thru at Taco Bell, a location that provides excellent customer service, and that Lil Wayne song called No Worries is playing, in this song; Lil Wayne says something about some chick bein bad as a hooker.... Lemme get this straight, at one time it was bad was strong and independent was bad, then video chick, then stripper chick and now we have devolved to hooker.
I mean seriously rappers? Is this how it's going down in celebrity USA? All I can do is laugh my ass off and shake my head.
Thursday, November 15, 2012
I'm Soooooo excited and humbled, it may not be a lot to other people but I am extremely grateful for 500 views! Thank you so much to each and every one of you, from the first time readers to the dedicated followers, thank you so much for your time and attention! Know that it is never overlooked or unnoticed. I can't stop smiling about this. Thank you all again and here's to 500 more! :-D
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Social networking has become a mixed blessing... I enjoy the fact that I can keep in touch with my friends who are so far away yet so dear to my heart, but I also see that ignorance and hate, much like misery, loves company. Perhaps that is because people who are so hateful are truly miserable.. who knows? I am a curious character, I like to know what's going on with other parts of the world, how other people are thinking, I often find myself wondering what random people I see do in their day to day lives. Some call it nosey, I call it curious. :D Evey now and then a FB friend will "like" something on a page and sometimes I'll mosey on over to see what that page is about.
Today I happened upon a page for that reason and found some of the most delusional people.. E.V.E.R! It's always disheartening to come across any group of people banded together in the name of hate, even more so when it's hate towards someone who holds the highest office in our country. Granted everyone has their own opinions and are certainly entitled to feel however they want, but when the opinions are based on racist hate and intolerance I can't get on board with it. I'm not going to get all political, but the fact of the matter is no matter who is President, even if you don't like them, you should damn well respect them. 9 out of 10 people will say they want to be respected, but at least 4 of those people don't understand that you have to be respectful in order for it to be reciprocated.
I feel sorry for the children growing up in these households where they are being spoon fed hate and ignorance.... if anyone ever thought that these types of things were getting better, please don't be so naïve. I totally disagree that not talking about racism will make it go away, sorry Mr Freeman but that method has not been working. And to further make that page more ridiculous is it had common sense in the name! Pf.
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
This man has been gay and proud for who knows how long, but now that someone has accused him of something horrible, he is the bad guy, despite his achievements. Logic does not come into play normally with stories like this and it's maddening!
It drives me crazy that people would rather believe the worst in people before they choose to fathom the best in them, even though everyone wants others to do that for them. People would rather believe that a dog with blood and flesh dripping from it's mouth is innocent before believing fact and logic about a human being. How sad for us.
Monday, November 12, 2012
Wherefore art thou....
Sunday, November 11, 2012
Orbitz is not enough to clean up this potty mouth...
I have made a conscience decision not to include profanity in my blog, mostly out of respect for my mother, since I was bugging her to read it. In general though, I see nothing wrong with colorful conversation. I think profanity is swell and a great way to express oneself. I've always wondered why people say using profanity makes someone look less than intelligent... I don't think that makes sense at all. Summing up someone's entire identity from a few choice words is not fair, one might go so far as to say that is passing judgement without any real basis... i.e. discriminating, which as we all know is in itself ignorant to judge a book by its cover. Just because I choose to drop a few F bombs here and there does not mean that what I am actually talking about has no substance or merit, I think that would mean that the person offended by my words is so short sided that they got caught up on a couple words and as a result missed the entire point I was trying to make... ADD much?
There is always a time and place for things of course and I'm a form believer in respecting your elders... but the blanket consensus that profanity=lower intellect is just silly. I enjoy my "creative" words and try to find as many opportunities to use them as possible, lol cuz they're just words and they're so much fun and oh so perfect sometimes.
Saturday, November 10, 2012
So hard it's easy...
The hardest thing to do these days is to go out into the world and be true to who you are...
So I was driving today and a recurring thought came to mind. When I drive I like to let the music take control, like one of the best things in the world is to be driving alone with the windows down, music at full blast, chillin! But when I'm driving I wonder what the people outside hear. Does that make sense, lol? One day I'm going to have to find the answer to the one of many questions in my mind.
Friday, November 9, 2012
Just gotta share this! <3
So I've been bugging my beautiful mother to read my blog, since I started writing it, probably working her last nerve, lol. And today she told me that she reads all my posts and that they're interesting, they make her want to conversate with me. That is the biggest and best compliment I could have gotten, even if she didn't necessarily mean it to be a compliment, that's how I took it. I honestly have the best mother, E V E R! For so many different reasons. <3 so blessed <3